Newborn Babies’ Behavior

Newborn Babies’ Behavior

Coming into the world is an adventure for babies because it is something new and quite different from the warm cocoon atmosphere they are used to when they were in the womb. The unfamiliar place they find themselves is different and the only means of communicating...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 11

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 11

Your baby’s personality is really developing now. Look out for first words, exploring and a few temper tantrums too. Growing and developing Your baby can now understand (but not necessarily follow) instructions like “no”. She’s started to form words too – listen out...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 10

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 10

Your baby might be starting to wobble their way from standing to walking this month. Read about this and other 10-month milestones. Growing and developing If your baby is very mobile, she’ll be pulling herself up and cruising round the room using the furniture to grab...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 9

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 9

Your baby’s understanding of the world is growing day by day. Here are some of the changes you might see this month. Growing and developing Your baby is likely to be getting more mobile, using whatever method works for him – crawling, bottom shuffling or commando...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 8

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 8

By month 8 your baby will be surprising you with the rate at which she picks up new skills and new behaviours. Growing and developing Babies develop their moving and talking skills at different rates – but they are all curious about the world. At this stage, many...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 7

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 7

The seventh month can be a mixture of frustration for a baby who can’t quite move where they want to go and excitement as they discover new things. Growing and developing At 7 months your baby will know what he wants but won’t have the motor skills – the mobility and...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 6

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 6

Major milestones now your baby is half-way through their first year Growing and developing. Your baby may be starting to sit up on her own now. If she’s doing this, surround her with cushions and keep a careful watch for when she topples over. Not all babies sit up at...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 5

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 5

Some aspects of your baby’s development are beginning to escalate rapidly – he may even begin to respond to his name, which makes month 5 an exciting time for parents. Growing and developing Starting to be able to sit up by himself for a few moments is an...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 4

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 4

One of the joys of your baby at 4 months is her increasing awareness of the world around her. That brings about other interesting development milestones too. Growing and developing Your baby’s arms and legs are likely to be a lot more active and stronger....
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 3

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 3

What to expect from your 3-month-old: development milestones, plus feeding and sleeping and playing. Growing and developing Your baby’s personality starts shining through at 3 months. They’ll be much more attentive when awake and able to communicate with you...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 2

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 2

You’ll be getting to know your baby better now he’s not a newborn any more – and soon you’ll enjoy his first smile. Growing and developing Your baby will be doing lots of kicking and wriggling, and at 5 weeks or so, he may start trying to lift his head when he’s lying...
Baby Development Month by Month: Month 1

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 1

At last, your new baby’s here and you’re starting to get to know the little person you’ve been carrying for 9 months. Here’s what to expect in the first 4 weeks of your newborn’s life. Growing and developing Your baby will be born with several reflexes: she’ll grip...
Causes of Milk Rash

Causes of Milk Rash

Milk rash or Atopic Dermatitis is shown in the form of red spots on your baby’s cheeks. Because it is called as milk rash,  many people think it is a skin disorder caused by breastfeeding .  In fact , milk rash is not caused by breastfeeding. Milk rash is...
How to care for your baby’s hair and scalp

How to care for your baby’s hair and scalp

Your baby’s hair will change a lot during her first year so you have to make sure you look after it. How to Care for his hair and scalp Both the hair and scalp are sensitive and prone to dryness and breakage. Babies are born with fine and soft hair called Vellus hair....
How to Care for Newborn Skin

How to Care for Newborn Skin

A newborn baby’s skin is very soft and delicate. Here’s how to take good care of it in the first few months. Your baby’s skin is continually changing during the first part of his life, and 1 in 3 babies have some kind of skin sensitivity before the age of 3. Here’s...